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All day and night views

zashiki(A Kyoto Machiya Room)

「鰻の寝床」と言われる京都の町家。間口が狭く奥に長いその造りの中で特徴的なのが、家の中程にある「坪庭」。 わずか3坪ほどの小さな自然と、そこから垣間見える小さな空が映し出す光と影が、一日のそして四季の移ろいを感じさせてくれます。 そんな坪庭を眺める、町家座敷の一日を絵にしてみました。
Often called "eel's bed," the traditional machiya townhouses in Kyoto are built in a very narrow but deep frontage. And a typical characteristic of it is that it has a small garden or "tsubo-niwa" in the middle of the house. The lights and shadows reflected in the tiny garden and a patch of sky you can see through it make you feel the transition of a day and seasons.
01:0007:0012:0014:0016:0017:0018:0019:0020:0022:00Photo: Designcraft, Kyoto